
XStream 去除生成的XML节点的class="list"

  • java

使用XStream转换BEAN到XML得时候,由于bean里面有个Collection tasks属性,结果解析出来的节点里面有class="list"属性:<tasks class="list">,很不好看,后来看到一封mail后知道,原来属性Collection tasks初始化成了ArrayList,XStream发现定义的类型和初始化类型不一样就会增加class="list",属性;只要把tasks改成ArrayList tasks就可以了,class="list"不再出现。以下是原文:


          > XStream writes a class attribute if the member type does not match the
          > type of the object instance stored in this field. Otherwise it is not
          > necessary to deserialize the objects again. In your case the member seems
          > of type collection, but you use actually an ArrayList? You may set the
          > default implementation for Collection to be an ArrayList.

1 楼 huang_yong 2013-09-02  
public class XMLUtil {
    private static final XStream xStream = new XStream();

    // 将对象转为XML字符串
    public static <T> String toXML(T obj) {
        Class<?> cls = obj.getClass();
        xStream.alias(cls.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), cls);
        [color=red]xStream.aliasSystemAttribute(null, "class"); // 去掉 class 属性[/color]
        return xStream.toXML(obj);

    // 将XML字符串转为对象
    public static <T> T fromXML(String xml) {
        return (T) xStream.fromXML(xml);


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